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Home painting is an essential part of a home design and home décor as house colour paint not only protects the walls from internal and external adversities but also makes them look attractive and unique. If your home décor and interior design ideas are limited to just pouring any house colour paint, you are highly mistaken, as the home design is much more than just picking and pouring a house colour paint.
Adopting the step-by-step home design process will make a significant change in your house paint colour and home décor job so here are some home interior design tips that you should follow while you have home décor and interior design ideas in mind.
The entire house colour paint job is divided into three stages.
It is not possible to finish the entire house colour paint job in just one day so you have to divide it and start preparing accordingly. Before starting the home design and painting task, do the following to make it easy and quick.
Free up the space: A busy and packed space slows down paintwork. So free up all the spaces like wardrobes, shelves, drawers, corners, etc. which are supposed to be painted. Also, collect all the stuff at one safe place or in the middle of the room and cover it with some plastic sheet or drop cloth to protect it from paint stains and splashes.
Remove hardware: Before painting walls of rooms and kitchen make sure that doorknobs, handles and cabinet hinges, and light switch plates stay protected. If you can remove them, do it, otherwise, cover them with plastic bags to protect them from accidental drops and dripping.
Fix the surfaces before painting them: If your wall surfaces have a lot of small holes, cracks and peeling off paint skin, patch and mend them up before going to apply the first coat of primer and colour.
Organize your workstation: An organized workstation in the middle of the paint area will make sure that you have everything in place within your reach. Grab all the necessary tools like brushes, rollers, buckets of paint, paint can openers, hammers, screwdrivers, plastic bags, drop cloths and everything else you may need and gather them in one place.
Always go for quality: This is probably one of the most valuable home design tips for any home décor and home interior design project. Never compromise on the colour paint quality and tools you use for painting as it will give long-lasting results with a reasonably good finish.
Here are the tips that you need to follow for a neat and clean home interior design result.
Prime the surface: If the walls and surfaces are peeling/breaking off or damped, repair them to ensure that the paint strokes stay for longer durations. After levelling the surfaces with cement and filler materials, don’t forget to apply primer so that paint can adhere to them forming a strong bond. For better home design results, you can apply 2-3 coats of primer with undercoat paint if the surface is already painted in a dark shade.
To form a uniform colour, mix paints in one go: This step is important because even after picking the same shade in the same amounts, mixed shades may differ a little bit and the difference will be noticed in your home design. So, it is better to mix more colour paint than required to avoid this problem as you can always pour back the remaining colour in the can.
Cover the floor and other stuff: Before you start painting any home design area or object, make sure that you provide the necessary coverage to the floor and the available stuff in the room to protect them from paint spills and drops otherwise you may end up increasing your paint cleaning work for next 2-3 days or more.
Paint the edges first: If you want to get the interior design ideas’ results like pro painters and designers, do it like a pro. Home interior design experts suggest painting edges, trims, areas under windows and doors, window and door frames and corners first for clean strokes with high precision. So that you need to tape off small areas after painting big walls and ceilings.
Mask the edges and trims: Once you are done with painting trims, edges and windows or door frames, make sure that you cover or mask them with the help of masking tape to save them from paint drips and drops.
Take care of the lap marks: Mismatching layers of buildup paint may ruin all your interior walls and may make you repaint your walls. To avoid reworking for hours on unevenly painted walls, make sure that you keep the edges of a roller wet enough so that you can eliminate the lap marks while rolling the roller.
Roll paint along the edges: To ensure that you don’t get uneven texture, roll the paint along the edges. Because uneven texture will be visible from the far and will show that any novice has done this paint job. Also, never use two different tools for one surface. For example, never paint half of the wall with the help of the brush and the rest of the wall with a roller as it will clearly show the paint texture’s imperfection.
Remove the masking tape carefully: Have some patience until the paint dries up completely. Cut the masking tape loose with a sharp knife or blade before pulling it. And don’t pull it with a jerk as it may break off the paint and you have to repaint the affected area.
Once you have painted all the surfaces the way you wanted, give it a finishing touch and do all the required cleaning work. Check if you have to mask some scratches, accidental spots and other imperfections to have spotless and beautiful walls.